I must be crazy. Between cleaning and packing (we move in less than a week!), I have convinced myself that there is time to make Christmas crafts. Behold, my Xmas gift tags! I picked up the fabric last year from Value Village. It's a curtain panel but I really liked the funky lines and shades of green. Perfect for these mini Christmas trees. I added some colourful beads from the bead jar (everyone should have a bead and button jar!) and then zigzagged the edges onto homemade paper. Some are a bit wonky but I like them like that! The paper also has an interesting history. I got it from my neighbour Carolyn, who made a huge batch of it for her wedding invitations. She ended up calling off the wedding (tells me she narrowly missed a bullet there), and was left with stacks of the stuff. She sold it to me at a garage sale for five bucks. I have so much of it, you'll be seeing it for a long time!
The Dala horse at the end is one of the felt Christmas ornaments I did last year. Can't wait to get the tree up! Huge priority once we move in.
Anyway, I'll shut up now and just show you. Time to get back to work!