Behold, the motley crew. Not bad for a first effort but something's a tad amiss. Is it the eyes? Too light? They look like they're up to no good. Which is probably the case.
The red guy needs a little contrasting cache-pot for his head and I should also throw a running stitch around his neck to taper. He's got a body builder's neck!
Hand In Hand More Monkeys Come Dum Diddy Dum Diddy Dum Dum Dum
As of April 22, 2009 the rules apply. And the rules are as follows: for one year, we will refrain from buying or receiving anything new.
Call it what you will--a social experiment, an exercise in frugality, a diet for the soul. It may be all of these things. Or perhaps none of these things. Time will tell. It's the journey that interests us, and the reflection and dialogue it will inspire, not to mention the hilarity.
We hope that you will check in on us from time to time.
To read more about the why of the project, check out our first post below.
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