I have all but abandoned this blog but fortunately not the project. Summer is a time for doing, not for writing. Right now I'm up to my ears in Italian plums from the tree in the backyard, not to mention Tom's enormous zucchini (sounds dirrrty). Today I baked up a fruit crumble, adding wild blueberries, and peaches from Frank's tree two doors down. I plan to take it out back with some forks and see who emerges. If all goes according to plan, it'll be plum tart tomorrow!

Update! The crumble was a success. So much so that Tom and Frank got out the ladders, and Ezra went a pickin' again. Who likes pie? Check out what a trip to Frank's garden can yield!

In other news, Ezra is obsessed with guitars and watching old reels of Bob Dylan on You Tube. How in the world did that happen? PS: That's a library copy of Rolling Stone--I didn't break the rules!
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