
Birthday In Pictures

The hardest part of today was getting Ezra to put on some pants. The easiest part? Indulging every birthday whim...

Malta Park

Grace let's Ezra test drive her bike. But only because it's his birthday.

Culinary Adventures Part 1

Culinary Adventures Part 2

Ride in Dad's car with my cool shades.

Toy Store! (Note: Ezra wasn't really into the gift we had in mind. Instead, he goes bananas for a recycling truck. What's a parent to do?)

Good decision.

Good decison, aerial view.

Not pictured: Culinary Adventures Part 3, a.k.a. Ezra throwing forks at innocent bystanders at Vesuvio's pizzeria.

1 comment:

Trudy Smith said...

Yep! You are right... he does love the truck. Good choice Ezra!

You might have to get that boy a bigger bed if he's planning to sleep with it every night.

XOXO Grandma