To be thrifty. Yes, it's that time of year when people drag all their crap out of the house, strap on a fanny pack, and try to earn a weekend's beer money.
The garage sale. A delightful way to spend any Saturday morning. I'm not certain, but it felt like today kicked off the official garage sale season. This morning Ezra and I set out with Carine and Dustin with a list of targets to hit. I didn't have anything specific in mind, I just wanted to get a feel for the whole garage sale scene, learn the etiquette, and attempt some bartering.
From the get-go, it was clear that I am an amateur with a lot to learn. And Ezra wasn't helping any. He made a beeline for the Fischer Price Village (pictured above) and declared "MINE" in a loud voice. I told him we were trying to play it cool, that he had to feign disinterest. To which he responded: "MINE!!!!" Thanks, buddy. Well played.
In the end, we came home with the village and a set of Lincoln Logs. All for 5 bucks. A small price to pay for tantrums averted.
Carine came away empty-handed but Dustin scored some kitschy travel souvenirs from decades past, including a cool little Jamaican doll and a weird Asian backscratcher. Hoping he'll send me a picture to upload.
Next week I will definitely have to bring my camera. It's astounding what people try to sell. I think the best thing we saw on display was a couple's framed wedding photo from the 80s. Hilarious. I should have asked how much but I already knew the answer.
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