So to give you a sampling of what we've been up to, here are some pictures that go way back, first from Halloween, then some of Christmas, and Ezra's third birthday party.
Hallowe'en: I thought it was fairly obvious that we were thematically dressed as Red Riding Hood, the wolf, and Grandma but you wouldn't believe how many people thought Ezra was Eeyore, or that C was an "old drunk flashing pervert", to quote my neighbour. Granted, his wig was a bit scraggly, and he was mashed into my small flannel pajamas, but still. Come on, people!
Christmas: For Ezra's gift this year, we sourced a huge lot of Thomas the Train tracks and accessories from Craigslist. There is so much, that we could probably lay tracks from Guelph to Toronto. Instead of wrapping it up, C and I spent hours on Christmas Eve setting up an amazing configuration of bridges and tunnels around the tree. When Ezra saw it, he exclaimed: Holy Mackerel! So cute. And speaking of mackerel, Ezra also got fish oil in his stocking. Vitamins were allowed and little ones need their Vitamin D!
Ezra's Party: This year, I sweated and toiled for weeks before the party. It wasn't so much the preparations that stressed me out, it was the baking part. I'm a bad baker. Like, epically bad. Bakers should never say such things as "I wonder if I can substitute this for that", or "that's probably a cup". But I do.
So I started preparing for disaster, in the hopes of avoiding it. I ended up baking 4 cakes, just in case! And I want to thank everyone who I badgered for advice. You saved me so much heartache! I didn't settle on the easiest cake to make, either. Behold, the banjo cake. The cakes are chai spice cake and chocolate (neck), with white chocolate cream cheese icing. Oh, and fudge brownies around the edges! Yummmm!
I also made these cute little felt hats. We can use them year after year, and they're sweeter than the store bought ones if I do say so myself!
Dig in!