Our beds are the most personal and intimate sanctuaries in the home. It’s where we spend a great deal of time in a state of unconsciousness. And I don’t know about you, but when I’m unconscious I fart a lot. I also drool and sweat. And in addition to all that unconscious time, what about the time spent doing other “activities” in bed.
When C and I visit hotels, one of the jokes we play is taunting the other with the hotel bed spread. C may push me on it after I’ve had a shower, or I may drape it over his face while he’s sleeping. I know, childish. And gross.
I fell asleep with these thoughts in my head. I don’t remember what I dreamed about. Perhaps Monica Lewinsky holding a black light?
I’m happy to report that I woke up warm and cozy underneath my new spread with sunshine pouring in through the window. Those dirty soiled thoughts were scrubbed from my mind and all that I breathed in was freshness. And that’s how I know that it now belongs on my bed.
I really like the idea of not buying anything for a year, although I wonder if anyone can manage that. So I'll be following your blog!
Oh Sarah! Once again I am held captive by your pen... I look forward to reading about your adventures; I'm sure this task will be difficult but rewarding.
Good luck my friend, your effort to re-define our generation of endless materialism will certainly be a journey!
Great idea, but what is about buying presents for others? Will you just make them yourselves, or is it an exception, as well?
We will be both making gifts, and giving non-stuff gifts, like concert tickets for example. We'll have to get creative!
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