This morning was glorious, and with the garden underway, Ezra and I now have a new routine. Get up. Eat breakfast. Make coffee. Fill watering can. Spend an hour on the deck with the plants, watching rush hour Go-trains whiz by.
Our garden inventory:
sweet basil
thai basil
cherry tomatoes
Roma tomatoes
And here is the view we took in from the back deck, around 7:30 am:
On The Line
Frank's Garden
Later, we hitched up the bike trailer and flew down to High Park for a little exercise. We ran down the big hill, watched the ducks, picked dandelion greens, chased red winged black birds, ate some crisp Fujis, and then Ezra crashed some wedding photos that were being taken by the pond.
Now we're enjoying some quiet time and I will set about washing the dandelion greens for our salad tonight. I would also like to make some Mother's Day cards and gifts to accompany them. I plan to do a potted floral arrangement for my Grandma in one of our pretty Chinese ceramic pots. As for the other moms, my stove will be aflame this evening as I try my hand at mixing up a magical elixir. I never took chemistry in high school so we may be in for a disaster!
In food news, Ezra and I spied some fiddleheads and wild leeks at the Thursday market. Won't be around much this weekend to cook, so next week we'll pick some up for sure! Oooh, and before I forget, I came across a source of bulk olive oil. Dufferin Grove, Thursdays year round. Score!
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